Welcome to The Joy of Life!
Joy Elaine is a Level Four Practitioner of Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique (SVH). In the late 1990’s she began experimenting with different forms of energy work including: Reiki, past life regression, Akashic record reading, Shamanism, Angelic Healing and others. In 2003 she became aware of SVH and immediately began learning and practicing this modality. Ordering the processes offered under "Services" will assist you to energetically release outdated programming and experiences that no longer serve you.
Watch the video below to experience the Language of Light and receive your Ascended Master Cloak.
Two gifts for you: These Level 1 Mastery Processes empower the Creator and your God Self to do Quantum Level Re-
programming for you. Once these triggers are activated, simply thinking or saying them will clear and re-write limiting thoughts, genetic alliances, random inner dialogue and belief systems associated with the limitation or situation addressed by the trigger process.
I Love Me: Re-scripts formatting and the seeds and foundations of limiting conscious thoughts or words that hinder you from loving yourself unconditionally at the time you activate the trigger.
I Expect to be Loved: Clears and rewrites seeds and foundations that support self loathing, low self esteem and beliefs that you are unlovable, undeserving of love, honor, respect and an expectance and acceptance of divine ideal relationships.
View the screen to activate these triggers today!