Level One SVH Shielding Sessions

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Below are complete descriptions of the Level 1 SVH Shielding Sessions.
If you are a person who would prefer to experience less drama and trauma and enjoy more health, vitality, clarity, abundance, honoring relationships, ease and serenity in your life, then please add as many of the levels of processes as you wish beginning with Level 1. Now is the time to step onto the mastery path you always planned to embrace.
(Upon payment, the energy work is implemented masterfully, and its effects continue to support your personal expansion throughout your life. There is no follow up connection with you after the service. For more information see Services page.)
All Serenity Shields are constructed from Divine Light and are reinforced by each breath you take in this lifetime, every choice to love and every conscious thought of the Creator. Unless otherwise specified, these shields initiate at birth and roll forward throughout your life and future.
Adversary Shield:
Nullifies agreements that have the potential to imprint, encode or introduce latent or active adversarial profiles and seeds of duality.
Astral Travel Shield:
Creates a field of Divine Light that is calibrated to cloak and shield the wholeness of you and all elements of self as you astral transmigrate through multiple timelines, worlds and dimensions.
Cording Shield:
Nullifies agreements that have to potential to attract or allow attachments to your energy fields from an source limiting your sovereignty, autonomy, vitality and prosperity.
Creates an impenetrable shield of Divine Light calibrated to block all depleting energy cording.
Device Shield:
Nullifies agreements that activate an acceptance or allowance of suppressive or subversive energy devices.
Initiates an impenetrable shield of Divine Light that is calibrated to block entrance or placement of organic or inorganic devices intended to suppress the immune system, limit functions of the physical body and obstruct your sovereignty and spiritual enlightenment.
EMF Shield:
Initiates a shield that harmonizes the Electro Magnetic Fields and any other frequency entering your auric field that has the potential to create imbalance.
Freedom Shield:
Nullifies agreements that have the potential to allow mentors, teachers, or authorities to limit your advancement and expansion beyond their levels of success, original mentoring or course of study.
Empowers the Creator and your God Self to reformat fears, obligation and indebtedness related to any teacher or mentor clearing all that blocks you from birthing new concepts and fully aligning with the path you planned for this life.
Intentional Harm Shield:
Initiates an impenetrable shield of Divine Light calibrated to block the introduction of any medium that holds the vibration of intentional harm.
Light Cord Shield:
Nullifies agreements that have the potential to attract or allow an infiltration of the light cord from any source limiting your sovereignty, autonomy, vitality and prosperity.
Initiates an impenetrable shield of Divine Light around and throughout your light cord, supporting a continuous flow of knowledge from the Divine Source.
Organism Shield:
Nullifies soul agreements that activate an acceptance or allowance of suppressive or subversive organisms and their energy.
Rolls back to the development of the semen and ovum to filter out miasms which could form the foundation or basis for a predisposition for disease, disorder or dysfunction.
Ritual Shield:
Nullifies agreements that allow any entity or adversarial energy a right of entry into your ethereal or physical body for any reason, which includes creating a bridge or alliance with adversarial influences.
Infuses Divine Light into the buildings, grounds, implements, garments or articles that you use in ceremonies and rituals, sanctifying them with your intention to align with the highest principles of divine truth.
Calls upon Archangel Michael to intervene and assist you to gracefully release your presence from any subversive ceremony or ritual.
Seed Shield:
Nullifies all agreements that have the potential to allow imprinting of suppression profiles.
Filters out energy, vibrations, intentions and limiting imprints from the ovum and semen that founded your body.
Snoop Shield:
Nullifies agreements that have the potential to attract or allow monitoring of your life’s progression from any source linked to adversarial intentions.
Applies measures moving beyond all that we know to ask for at this time to assure the sovereignty of your journey by cloaking information from sources that have adversarial intentions.
Soul Sovereignty Shield:
Nullifies all associations between you and your soul lineage that have the potential to sanction or allow your soul to be stolen in this lifetime.
Disavows the acceptance of any promises or agreements made for you by guardians or ruling bodies that authorize a release of any part of your soul to anything other than the Creator.
Sovereignty Sphere:
Positions a calibrated sphere of Divine Light around your home. The sphere automatically goes onto any building you enter but will fade away over time if you do not regularly visit that location.
Initiates the sphere to harmonize and align a flow of positive energy within the space, bringing balance and harmony to the whole structure by using all of the perfected elements of Feng Shui and holographic design configurations.
Blocks entities and wandering spirits from entering the sphere and harmonizes all electromagnetic fields, appliances and microwaves.
Spectrum Shield:
Calibrated to radiate the love vibration of every master of light and angelic being who is in sacred service on this world. Their energy is blended with the Divine Light of the Creator to generate a spectrum of colored light that will cloak you, creating a multi-dimensional sovereignty shield.
Continuously re-calibrates its range, field, vibration and intensity to create an impenetrable field of love that supports your sovereignty.
Suppression Shield:
Nullifies agreements that have the potential to imprint encode or introduce suppression profiles to this incarnation.
Defuses all suppression profiles set within words, symbols, signs tokens or vibrations that you are exposed to in this lifetime.
Thought Shield:
Rolls through your life blocking your perception of any limiting thoughts others have about you. The shield prevents the negative thoughts of others from recording in files that are accessed by your brain sorting and ego data searches.
Nullifies any limiting thoughts that you have about others.
Vehicle Sphere:
Positions a calibrated sphere around any vehicle you enter.
Infuses Divine Light throughout the sphere to ground and balance all drivers and passengers.
Calls upon a team of angels to safeguard the vehicle and all passengers and property for the duration of your ownership or use of the vehicle.
Radiates a balancing energy field to all moving or stationary vehicles that are within a thousand feet of your sphere, offering angelic assistance and grounding to 4each of the passengers and drivers.
Wandering Spirit Shield:
Initiates a sovereignty shield that is calibrated to block wandering spirits from entering your auric field throughout this life.